Tuesday, February 12, 2008

January review

In an effort to keep our readers updated on the year (this blog is meant to replace our yearly letter after all) we're going to post a few pics from last month. Of course, we wouldn't have to do a review if we had just started in January like we intended. Sounds just like us, good start, aye?

Collin going down the slide--tongue out, as usual
We had our traditional Williams family football game while we were all together over the Holidays. Kinda cold, but still very fun. I didn't get many pics of the game, but I sure took plenty of Collin. He and his cousins played on the jungle gym while the "big kids" played football. Lucas just watched all of the action from the side lines in his car seat.

Lucas all bundled up

Another tradition with the Williams family is a get-together with all the girls at Village Inn, no boys allowed :) and everyone comes in their pajamas. Jeremy (Jesse's brother) was married last year and that added the final Williams girl to the bunch. This was the first year with the complete group of sisters, all 6 of us together and it was a whole lot of fun. I can't wait for the next one!

The Williams girls: Anita, Rachel, Cadi, Anika, Rachel, and Bonnie

Here are some more pics of the girls, left to right: Anita, Rachel, and Cadi

On the other side of the table: Me, Rachel, and Bonnie

While we were visiting the folks, Jesse got pretty handy with the tractor/back-hoe and dug a huge trench for Papa (Jesse's dad) to run his pipes for the well. We had nice weather for a January and spent some time outdoors throwing the football and frisbee. Collin sure had a good time playing in the dirt.

Jesse just-a-digging away

Collin liked to sit with Jesse as he drove

Collin playing in the trench with his cousin Justin


Sunni said...

I just wanted to be the first one to leave a comment. And that's all.

Crystal said...

Hooray! I'm so happy you started a blog!

Your boys are so handsome! I've always loved the name Lucas too. Last time I saw you, you weren't even showing yet with numero dos.

I still have your bib. Sorry, dude. I'm not going to lie, I used it once or twice, and loved it so much I had to buy one just like it, but blue. Anyway, email me your address and I'll mail it to ya.

Team Furnival said...

Hey Nika! I just got you letter. I am excited to keep up with your blog. Ours is conniesowards.blogspot.com. It was so good to see you over Christmas. Sorry I couldn't "break away" to play for New Years! Love Ya!!!