Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Collin

This kid blows me away. Before becoming a Mom, I thought and worried so much about the "how to" stuff and I guess my mind was always on the nurture aspect of the nature/nurture debate. Now more and more, I am realizing that each spirit is different and while, as a parent, I have to nurture and teach things like obedience, self control, and life skills in general, each child is so amazingly unique and there are some things about each child over which I have only a slight influence. I will never have another Collin, neither will anyone else. Why am I so blessed?
It is daunting sometimes to think that as a mom I have a part (a huge part) in shaping this kid's personality, sense of humor, and overall functionality in society. Not to mention the monumental responsibility of teaching him the Gospel and helping him gain a testimony. I'm up for the challenge, though, I've never known anything more difficult but I have also never known anything more rewarding. Just yesterday I sat across the dinner table from Collin while we were eating and out of no where, Collin gets down from his chair and says, "I'm gonna give you a hug". Talk about rewarding. This mom-job is strange like that, I never know when pay day is, but honestly if I'm paying attention, pay day is every day. I could have used this perspective/reminder last week, but anyhoo...


Angie said...

Aww. I love those little moments. That's so sweet.

Robyn Cheney said...

Thank you for your great comment.
I especially love what you said at the end (about never knowing when payday is... but really it is everyday...) and I hope that you will not mind if i quote you. I have to put out an enrichment newsletter soon and I just might use that. I think I needed to hear your words tonight.
Thankyou again.

angelmommy said...

you have such a sweet family. God has truely blessed you and jesse.
it would be great to keep in touch if you want to.
angie (funk) hampton

if you are interested i have a blog on my kids