Saturday, February 28, 2009

Now For November

Hey would ya look at that, I'm catching up! Here's a bunch of pics from the month of November:
When we visited Jesse in Artesia the little travel trailer got crowded fast so we spent a lot of time at the park. Thank heavens for mild New Mexico winters.
And speaking of the little trailer, Lucas got his first shiner from falling out the screen door onto the metal step. His upper left cheek made the first contact. Uggg, I still hate to remember that poor little guy falling, it makes me sick. I am grateful, though that it didn't break the skin or damage his eye--it could have been way worse. Pictures below are of his eye: the day of the fall and about a week later.


Sibley Saga .... said...

I totally love your pics and posts. I know we live in the same town and all but I still love getting updates from here that I don't hear any other way. : )

Some seriously cute boys you got there.

Nate Kendra Olsen said...

welcome back!
I feel the same way about my kids falling. When I think back to the bad falls I get a pit in my stomach!!

Angie said...

Oh dear! That's quite the shiner. Glad it wasn't worse.

bahecky said...

Poor Lucas! He looks so darn cute, though. :) I heard that song, "Lucky", on the radio today and thought it would be a great song for you and Jesse. Then it came up on your blog today. Cool. Love you guys.

Melissa Johnson said...

Your family is absolutely adorable! You are such a clever writer... Why didn't I get those genes!?!

Mrs. H said...

I think his shiner is quite cute, but I can imagine the sickening feeling of seeing him fall. So far, we haven't made any trips to the emergency room (I was just glancing over Sunni's stories), but with two boys, it's bound to happen, right?
I love the pic with you and the boys on the jungle gym. Priceless.